MXMS U.S. History
Unit 1
North Carolina and United States Geography​
This unit will incorporate the Five Themes of Geography and the geographic regions of the United States and North Carolina. Students will be able to identify and label each of the 50 states on a U.S. map, as well as the four regions of North Carolina.
Unit 1 Vocabulary Terms & Definitions
Region: an area or division, especially part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries.
Climate: the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
Gulf Stream: originates in the Gulf of Mexico and, as the Florida Current, passes through the Straits of Florida and then flows northward along the southeast coast of the United States
Mountain region: region of North Carolina which includes the Appalachian Mountains,
Piedmont region: the middle region of North Carolina, located between the Coastal Plain and the Mountain regions.
Coastal Plain region: the region encompassing the eastern tier of North Carolina.
Tidewater region: is the area along the coast of North Carolina close to sea level.
Physical characteristic: geographic features that were not made by humans, but occur naturally in the landscape.
Human characteristic: geographic features that were made by humans.
Noncontiguous region: political region of the US made up of Hawaii and Alaska.
Population density: the number of people living in a measured area (usually per square mile).
Metropolitan area: a large city and the surrounding towns.
Raleigh: capital city of North Carolina.
Washington, D.C.: capital city of the United States.
Atlantic Ocean: second largest oceanic division; covers approximately 20% of the world's surface.
Interactive United States Geography
U.S. States, Capitals, and Landmarks Game
Tour the States Video
50 States, 50 Natural Wonders
U.S. Citizenship Online Quiz
Postcards of America
10 Things You Might Not know About The U.S.
How The States Got Their Shapes
Place The State Game
Plato: Town at the Center of America
Happiest and Saddest U.S. States
TWC Happiest and Saddest U.S. States