MXMS U.S. History

Unit 8
Turn of the 20th Century and World War I
This unit will examine Second Industrial Revolution and the dramatic rise in immigrants in cities such as New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia. Students will also review the causes of World War I, countries involved in the conflict, and the critical role the U.S. played in Allied success.
The Second Industrial Revolution
Outcome: Unprecedented Wealth and Urbanization​
Causes of World War I and U.S. Entry
Outcome: The Great War
Unit 8 Vocabulary Terms & Definitions
Industrial Revolution: the transformation from an agricultural to industrial nation.
Industrialization: the development of industry on an extensive scale.
Textile: artifact made by weaving, felting, knitting, or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers.
Modernization: making modern by appearance or behavior.
Working class: a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages.
Assembly line: mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on it.
Tenement: a rundown apartment house barely meeting minimal standards.
Steam engine: external-combustion engine in which heat is used to raise steam which either turns a turbine or forces a piston to move up and down in a cylinder.
Urbanization: the social process whereby cities grow and societies become more urban.
Entrepreneur: someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it.
Push factor: factor, such as unemployment or the lack of freedom of speech, that makes people want to leave their country and move to another one.
Pull factor: factor such as freedom or employment opportunities that attract a person to a country.
Immigration: migration into a place (especially migration to a country of which you are not a native in order to settle there).
Urban: relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area.
Rural: living in or characteristic of farming or country life.
Trench warfare: the main fighting strategy used during World War I.
Archduke Ferdinand: Archduke of Austria-Hungary; his assassination sparked World War I.
Gavrilo Princip: Serbian assassin of Archduke Ferdinand.
Black Hand: the extremist Serbian nationalist groups behind Archduke Ferdinand's assassination.
Kaiser Wilhelm II: the German emperor throughout World War I.
Woodrow Wilson: President of the United States during World War I; developed a plan for a lasting world peace called the League of Nations.
Allied Powers: the alliance formed between Russia, France and Great Britain; the United States joined in 1917.
Central Powers: the alliance formed between Germany and Austria-Hungary.
Triple Alliance: the prewar alliance formed in 1882 by Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.
Battle of the Somme: a battle fought in northern France between July and November of 1916.
Battle of Verdun: the longest and deadliest battle of World War I; in an 11-month period more than 650,000 soldiers were killed.
Casualties: the total number of soldiers who are killed, wounded or captured in a battle.
Schlieffen Plan: a German military plan that addressed how to handle the threat of a war on two fronts with Russia and France.
War of Attrition: a war in which victory is determined purely by one side is better to endure numerous, prolonged casualties.
Zimmerman Telegram: the memorandum sent by Germany to Mexico encouraging an attack on the United States.
Unit 8 Textbook Work
Unit 8 Textbook Work #1
Read pages 706-711; complete questions 1-2 and Vocabulary Builder on page 711
Read pages 712-715; complete questions 1-2 on page 715
Unit 8 Textbook Work #2
Read pages 718-722; complete questions 1-2 and Vocabulary Builder on page 722
Read pages 723-727; complete questions 1-2 and Vocabulary Builder on page 727
World War I Information
World War I Information
Britannica Library Resources for World War I
*British Library Resources for World War I
*FactSlides World War 1
First World War.com
Infographic: World War I by the Numbers (History Channel)
*Interactive World War I
Maps 1914 & 2014
Primary Facts for World War I
​Timeline: Interactive
​World War I Article (History Channel)
World War I Pictures
​Trench Warfare (History Channel)
​World War I in Photos: Technology (http://www.theatlantic.com/static/infocus/wwi/wwitech/)
​World War I Leaders (History Channel)
World War I Technology (History Channel)
World War I Primary Sources
America Declares War on Germany 1917 (Eyewitness to History)
​American Ambulance Field Service 1916 (Eyewitness to History)
Armistice: The End of World War I 1918 (Eyewitness to History)
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand (Eyewitness to History)
Battlefield Debut of the Tank 1916 (Eyewitness to History)
​Battle at Gallipoli 1915 (Eyewitness to History)
Battle of Jutland 1916 (Eyewitness to History)
Beginning of Air Warfare 1914 (Eyewitness to History)
Birth of the Fighter Plane (Eyewitness to History)
Death of an Air Ace 1918 (Eyewitness to History)
Death of a Zeppelin 1916 (Eyewitness to History)
Christmas in the Trenches (Eyewitness to History)
Death at the Battle of the Somme 1916 (Eyewitness to History)
Gas Attack 1916 (Eyewitness to History)
Lawrence of Arabia 1918 (Eyewitness to History)
Red Baron Scores Two Victories 1917 (Eyewitness to History)
Signing of the Treaty of Versailles 1919 (Eyewitness to History)
Sinking of the Lusitania 1915 (Eyewitness to History)
The Beginning of the End of World War I 1918 (Eyewitness to History)
Torpedoed! 1917 (Eyewitness to History)
U Boat Attack 1916 (Eyewitness to History)
Unknown Soldier Comes Home 1921 (Eyewitness to History)
World War I Poetry
World War I Videos
*Alliances (History Channel)
Bet You Didn't Know: Flu (History Channel)
​*Bet You Didn't Know: Trench Warfare (History Channel)
Bet You Didn't Know: World War I (History Channel)
Causes of World War I (History Channel)
Did World War I Lead to World War II (History Channel)
Legacy of World War I (History Channel)
​*Life in a Trench (History Channel)
​Nationalism and World War 1 (History Channel)
Speeches of World War 1 (History Channel)
Soldiers Learn to Pack (History Channel)
​*Technological Developments (History Channel)
​The World Wars
*U Boats Deconstructed (History Channel)
​U.S. in World War I (History Channel)
​*World War I Firsts (History Channel)